Bee C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/bee_console_formatter.rb 348 230


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 # Copyright 2006-2012 Michel Casabianca <>
2 #
3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 #
7 #
8 #
9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 # limitations under the License.
15 require 'rubygems'
16 require 'bee_console_style'
17 require 'syck'
18 require 'yaml'
20 module Bee
22   module Console
24     # Class to format build output on console.
25     class Formatter
27       include Bee::Util::BuildErrorMixin
29       # Minimum duration to print on console even if not verbose (in seconds)
30       AUTO_DURATION = 60
32       # Construct formatting order
34         'if' =>    ['if', 'then', 'else'],
35         'while' => ['while', 'do'],
36         'for' =>   ['for', 'in', 'do'],
37         'try' =>   ['try', 'catch'],
38       }
40       # Verbosity indicator
41       attr_reader :verbose
43       # Constructor.
44       # - style: style as a Hash or a String.
45       # - color: tells if we use default color scheme. Defaults to false.
46       # - verbose: tells if build is verbose. Defaults to false.
47       # - outputer: object on which we call print and puts for outputs.
48       #   Defaults to Kernel.
49       def initialize(style, color=false, verbose=false, outputer=Kernel)
50         @style =, color)
51         @verbose = verbose
52         @outputer = outputer
53       end
55       ##########################################################################
56       #                       LOW LEVEL OUTPUT METHODS                         #
57       ##########################################################################
59       # Print a given message on console:
60       # - message: the message to print.
61       def print(message)
62         @outputer.print(message)
63       end
65       # Puts a given message on console:
66       # - message: the message to put.
67       def puts(message)
68         @outputer.puts(message)
69       end
71       ##########################################################################
72       #                     METHODS CALLED BY LISTENER                         #
73       ##########################################################################
75       # Print build start message:
76       # - build: the started build.
77       # - dry_run: tells if we are running in dry mode.
78       def print_build_started(build, dry_run)
79         if @verbose
80           build_type = dry_run ? "dry run of" : "build"
81           puts "Starting #{build_type} '#{build.file}'..."
82         end
83       end
85       # Print message when build finished:
86       # - duration: the build duration in seconds.
87       # - success: tells if build was a success.
88       # - exception : exception raised, if any.
89       # - last_target: last met target, if any.
90       # - last_task: last met task, if any.
91       def print_build_finished(duration)
92         puts "Built in #{duration} s" if @verbose or duration >= AUTO_DURATION
93       end
95       # Print target:
96       # - target: the target we are running.
97       def print_target(target)
98         puts format_target(target)
99       end
101       # Print task:
102       # - task: the task we are running.
103       def print_task(task)
104         puts format_task(task) if @verbose
105       end
107       ##########################################################################
108       #                          FORMATTING METHODS                            #
109       ##########################################################################
111       # Format a target.
112       # - target: target to format.
113       def format_target(target)
114         name =
115         return format_title(name)
116       end
118       # Format a task.
119       # - task: task to format.
120       def format_task(task)
121         if task.kind_of?(String)
122           source = task
123         elsif task.kind_of?(Hash)
124           if task.key?('rb')
125             source = "rb: #{task['rb']}"
126           else
127             if task.keys.length == 1
128               source = format_entry(task)
129             else
130               source = format_construct(task)
131             end
132           end
133         end
134         formatted = '- ' + source.strip.gsub(/\n/, "\n. ")
135         styled =, :task)
136         return styled
137       end
139       # Format a success string.
140       # - string: string to format.
141       def format_success(string)
142         string =, :success)
143         return string
144       end
146       # Format an error string.
147       # - string: string to format.
148       def format_error(string)
149         string =, :error)
150         return string
151       end
153       # Format error message:
154       # - exception: raised exception.
155       def format_error_message(exception)
156         message = format_error('ERROR')
157         message << ": "
158         message << exception.to_s
159         if exception.kind_of?(Bee::Util::BuildError)
160           message << "\nIn target '#{}'" if
161           message << ", in task:\n#{format_task(exception.task)}" if exception.task
162         end
163         return message
164       end
166       # Format a description.
167       # - title: description title (project, property or target name).
168       # - text: description text.
169       # - indent: indentation width.
170       # - bullet: tells if we must put a bullet.
171       def format_description(title, text=nil, indent=0, bullet=true)
172         string = ' '*indent
173         string << '- ' if bullet
174         string << title
175         if text and !text.empty?
176           string << ": "
177           if text.split("\n").length > 1
178             string << "\n"
179             text.split("\n").each do |line|
180               string << ' '*(indent+2) + line.strip + "\n"
181             end
182           else
183             string << text.strip + "\n"
184           end
185         else
186           string << "\n"
187         end
188         return string
189       end
191       # Format a title.
192       # - title: title to format.
193       def format_title(title)
194         length = @style.line_length || Bee::Util::term_width
195         right = ' ' + @style.line_character*2
196         size = length - (title.length + 4)
197         size = 2 if size <= 0
198         left = @style.line_character*size + ' '
199         line = left + title + right
200         # apply style
201         formatted =, :target)
202         return formatted
203       end
205       ##########################################################################
206       #                       HELP FORMATTING METHODS                          #
207       ##########################################################################
209       # Return help about build.
210       # - build: running build.
211       def help_build(build)
212         build.context.evaluate
213         help = ''
214         # print build name and description
215         if
216           help << "build: #{}\n"
217         end
218         if build.extends
219           help << "extends: #{format_list({|b|})}\n"
220         end
221         if build.description
222           help << format_description('description', build.description, 0, false)
223         end
224         # print build properties
225         if > 0
226           help << "properties:\n"
227           for property in
228             help << "- #{property}: " +
229               "#{format_property_value(build.context.get_property(property))}\n"
230           end
231         end
232         # print build targets
233         description = build.targets.description
234         if description.length > 0
235           help << "targets:\n"
236           for name in description.keys.sort
237             help << format_description(name, description[name], 0)
238           end
239         end
240         # print default target
241         help << "default: #{format_list(build.targets.default)}\n" if
242           build.targets.default
243         # print alias for targets
244         if build.targets.alias and build.targets.alias.keys.length > 0
245           help << "alias:\n"
246           for name in build.targets.alias.keys.sort
247             help << "  #{name}: #{format_list(build.targets.alias[name])}\n"
248           end
249         end
250         return help.strip
251       end
253       # Return help about task(s).
254       # - task: task to print help about (all tasks if nil).
255       def help_task(task)
256         task = '?' if task == nil or task.length == 0
257         package_manager =
258         methods = package_manager.help_task(task)
259         help = ''
260         for method in methods.keys.sort
261           text = methods[method].strip
262           help << format_title(method)
263           help << "\n"
264           help << text
265           help << "\n"
266           if text =~ /Alias for \w+/
267             alias_method = text.scan(/Alias for (\w+)/).flatten[0]
268             help << "\n"
269             help << package_manager.help_task(alias_method)[alias_method].strip
270             help << "\n"
271           end
272         end
273         return help
274       end
276       # Return help about template(s).
277       # - template: template to print help about (all templates if nil).
278       def help_template(template)
279         templates = Bee::Util::search_templates(template)
280         help = ''
281         for name in templates.keys
282           build = YAML::load([name]))
283           properties = nil
284           for entry in build
285             properties = entry['properties'] if entry['properties']
286           end
287           description = 'No description found'
288           if properties
289             if properties['description']
290               description = properties['description']
291             end
292           end
293           help << format_title(name)
294           help << "\n"
295           help << description
296           help << "\n"
297         end
298         return help
299       end
301       private
303       def format_entry(entry)
304         return YAML::dump(entry).sub(/---/, '').strip
305       end
307       def format_construct(construct)
308         for key in CONSTRUCT_FORMATS.keys
309           if construct.has_key?(key)
310             lines = []
311             for entry in CONSTRUCT_FORMATS[key]
312               lines << format_entry({entry => construct[entry]})
313             end
314             return lines.join("\n")
315           end
316         end
317         return "UNKNOWN CONSTRUCT"
318       end
320       def format_property_value(data)
321         if data.kind_of?(Hash)
322           pairs = []
323           for key in data.keys()
324             pairs << "#{format_property_value(key)}: #{format_property_value(data[key])}"
325           end
326           return "{#{pairs.join(', ')}}"
327         else
328           return data.inspect
329         end
330       end
332       def format_list(list)
333         if list.kind_of?(Array)
334           if list.length > 1
335             return "[#{list.join(', ')}]"
336           else
337             return list[0]
338           end
339         else
340           return list
341         end
342       end
344     end
346   end
348 end

Generated on Fri Oct 09 02:07:49 +0200 2015 with rcov 1.0.0