Last update: 2015-10-09

Compiling Bee

This documentation is intended for people who want to compile Bee from sources. You may, this way, compile latest version from repository.

Install Ruby

To compile Bee, you must install a Ruby virtual machine.

Unix and MacOSX users

Check that Ruby is not already installed on your system, typing ruby. It is installed on many systems (including MacOSX and some Linux distributions) and you should not have to install it.

If Ruby is not already installed, try installing it using your package system (such as apt-get, typing sudo apt-get install ruby).

If you prefer to compile Ruby from sources, you may download them on Ruby web site. You should install a virtual machine in version 1.8 and avoid 1.9 versions as Bee doesn't work yet on this experimental branch.

You must then install RubyGems which is a package system for Ruby. It enables you to install Ruby libraries or tools with a single command line (very similar to apt-get). It should be possible to install it using your package system or downloading it from Ruby Gem home page. Unpack the distribution archive, go in resulting directory and type sudo ruby setup.rb.

Windows users

For Windows user, I strongly recommend installing the Ruby Installer in version 1.8.7-p330 (latest 1.8 stable release). It also works with release 1.8.6-27_rc2 but I had trouble with version, 1.8.6-p383-rc1, which produces an error running gem and with previous ones, while running unit tests.

To be able to build native Ruby gems on Windows (such as rcov for instance), you should install DevKit. Here is a page with installation instructions. I used DevKit successfuly in version 4.5.1.

When you have installed Ruby, you must then install Bee dependencies:

Bee dependencies

To install Bee runtime dependencies use RubyGem typing following command lines:

sudo gem install rubyzip archive-tar-minitar highline

There are other dependencies needed to build Bee documentation (that are not needed to run Bee itself) and run unit tests:

sudo gem install highline rcov sinatra syntax

Bee was developed using following dependencies:

archive-tar-minitar (0.5.2)
highline (1.6.19, 1.6.16)
mocha (0.14.0)
rcov (1.0.0)
rubyzip (0.9.9)
sinatra (1.4.2)
syntax (1.0.0)

Note: latest Ruby versions (such as 1.8.7) don't run rcov correctly because of a change in rexml. Rcov hasn't been updated yet but a forked version exists to fix this issue. You can find this versions at Spicycode. This site doesn't provide a gem, thus you will have to download the archive, expand it and run ruby setup.rb in created directory.

Compile sources

To get latest source files, you should checkout Bee project from CVS repository. To do so, please refer to SCM documentation page on Bee project's page on RubyForge.

Go into extracted directory and type:

bin/bee gem

This will build the gem archive in build directory. You may then install Bee (using RubyGems) typing:

sudo gem install build/bee-X.Y.Z.gem

Unix users can then build distribution archive typing:

bee zip

This ZIP file (that includes gem archive and documentation) is generated in file build/

Note that Windows users can't generate this archive because it includes the documentation that runs Unix commands to generate examples.
