Last update: 2015-10-09


Here is the list of available Ruby project templates. You can instantiate a given template typing ‘bee -t <template>’, get help with ‘bee -e <template>’ and list all templates with ‘bee -e ?’.


This script will create a sample Ruby application project. Build file can run unit tests, generate API documentation, generate GEM archive and build a ZIP distribution file.


This script will create a project for a bee package with sample task (in ‘lib’ directory) and template (in ‘egg’ directory). A unit test for the task is generated in ‘test’ directory. Generated build file has a target ‘test’ to run unit tests, a target ‘gem’ to generate a gem archive, a ‘clean’ target to clean generated files and a ‘install’ target to build and install gem.


This script will generate a sample Ruby script project.


This script will create a Sinatra project. Generated build file has a target ‘run’ to run the server, ‘zip’ to generate a distribution archive and ‘clean’ to delete generated files.


This script will generate a sample Ruby source file.


This script will create a sample XML-RPC project with a Ruby server and client.