
Michel Casabianca

Go programming language is easy to learn, but there are some tricky traps. This article series is trying to show these booby traps so that you avoid them.

Let’s say we have User structures and we want to make a list of names. As there may be a lot of them, we would like to build a slice of pointers to these names. We could write following code (on the Playground) :

package main

type User struct {
	Name string

func getNames(users []User) []*string {
	var names []*string
	for _, user := range users {
		names = append(names, &user.Name)
	return names

func main() {
	users := []User{{Name: "foo"}, {Name: "bar"}}
	names := getNames(users)
	for _, name := range names {

But when we run this code, we get:

$ go run broken.go

Why is this code broken? How would you fix it?


When we iterate on users with range, Go reuses the same variable for user and thus it is at the same memory address. So at each iteration, the address of Name field of user is identical and pointer has the same value. Thus the name in the whole slice points to the Name value in the last iteration.

To fix this, we can create a variable for the name as follows (on the Playground) :

package main

type User struct {
	Name string

func getNames(users []User) []*string {
	var names []*string
	for _, user := range users {
		name := user.Name
		names = append(names, &name)
	return names

func main() {
	users := []User{{Name: "foo"}, {Name: "bar"}}
	names := getNames(users)
	for _, name := range names {

Variable name is created at each iteration, thus Name field is at a different memory address and code works as expected.


This example is taken from a real bug :
